Showing posts with label Browsing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Browsing. Show all posts


Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original network clients, while supporting standard features such as audio chat, file transfers, group chats, chat rooms, buddy icons, multiple simultaneous connections to the same network, server-side contact importing, typing notification, direct connection (AIM), proxy support, encrypted messaging (AIM/ICQ), SMS support, and privacy settings.


Maxthon Internet Browser software is a powerful tabbed browser with a highly customizable interface. It is based on the Internet Explorer browser engine (your most likely current web browser) which means that what works in the IE browser will work the same in Maxthon tabbed browser but with many additional efficient features:

Tips Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy

Sebel dan marah bukan bila tiba-tiba koneksi Internet menjadi lambat, bahkan super lambat. Apalagi bagi kita yang kerjaan utamanya mengandalkan koneksi internet, bisa kacau semuanya bila koneksi Internet lemot. Saya menggunakan koneksi internet Speedy, dan hal itu juga sering saya alami, tiba-tiba koneksi lambat bahkan mati . Setelah saya cari-cari di internet bagaimana caranya mempercepat koneksi internet Speedy, akhirnya ketemu juga di web teman. Dan ini saya bagikan tips Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy bagi Anda. Semoga akan membantu permasalahan Anda selama ini.
Untuk mempercepat koneksi Internet Speedy, ada dua cara yang cukup simple dan sudah terbukti berhasil. Dan berikut adalah tips mempercepat koneksi Internet Speedy.

Mempercepat Mozila Firefox ( Firefox Browser Speed )

Firefox.. salah satu browser open source yang paling yahud saat ini menurut saya. bahkan melebihi Internet Explorer bagi saya. Nah.. saya akan memberikan sedikit trik mengenai cara mempercepat Firefox anda dalam browsing di internet dengan seidikit tweak..
Warning : Saya tidak menyarankan untuk melakukan tweaking firefox anda. Tweaking ini sendiri dikeluarkan oleh pengembang firefox jadi bukan sembarang tweaking, namun resiko ditanggung sendiri karena setelah tweaking tidak ada opsi untuk mengembalikan settingan default firefox anda.
Koneksi internet yang cepat adalah dambaan setiap orang, seperti cewe cantik juga yang merupakan dambaan setiap orang.:-) kembali ke masalah mempercepat koneksi internet, tapi tips ini hanya berlaku untuk yang di warnet saja dan warnetnya menggunakan mozzila firefox sebagai browsernya. tujuannya adalah mempercepat koneksi internet di komputer kita dengan menyedot bandwitdh komputer lain di dalam 1 warnet. licik juga sih tips ini tapi tidak apa-apa, apalagi di saat warnet yang sedang penuh dan semua komputer lambat, jadi cara ini bisa kita pakai. jadi koneksi internet kita jadi lebih cepat dan yang lain jadi sedikit lambat. kan kalo warnet lagi penuh semuanya lambat, jadi tidak akan pada menyadarinya. okeh saya akan memberitahukan untuk anda, begini caranya untuk mempercepat koneksi internet di warnet:

Cara mempercepat koneksi LAN

Ada cara yang paling ampuh untuk mempercepat koneksi LAN. Dengan menambah kecepatan koneksi LAN ini tentu saja akan menambah kecepatan pada kita browsing.

Caranya cukup mudah….langsung ke TKP...!!!
* buka registry editor (start > run> ketik regedit)
* masuk ke :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace dan DELETE key {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}
* Tutup registry editor dan restart windows.
Bagi pengguna koenksi internet dengan Broadband/DSL cobalah trik berikut ini

Mempercepat Koneksi Internet di Hotspot

 NetCut adalah solusi yang membantu Anda untuk admin jaringan Anda hanya didasarkan pada protokol ARP. Hal ini dapat menjalankan beberapa tugas sebagai IP-MAC daftar tabel dalam hitungan detik, matikan & pada jaringan di komputer manapun pada LAN Anda termasuk salah satu perangkat seperti router atau dialihkan. Selain itu, pengguna NetCut dapat dilindungi dari serangan ARP spoof.

NetCut sangat mudah digunakan. Anda perlu hanya satu klik untuk melindungi fungsi komputer pengguna. Tak seorang pun di jaringan Anda dapat memotong ARP spoof off dengan teknologi lagi.

Maxthon Browser 3.3.8 Full Freeware

Maxthon browser to re-release the final version Maxthon Browser. Maxthon browser is the browser software that admirable ability. The browser is able to open a site with light. Interface in it a complete yet lightweight, making this software is recommended for surfing the internet.
Maxthon is based on Dual Display Engines, and you can view all webpages within a great layout with great compatibility and high speed. It has a set of very powerful and customizable built-in features, taking your internet experience from viewing to doing.

Maxthon Brings The Cutting Edge Browsing Experience Created by people thinking out of the box to come up with innovative Airways to use on the Internet. Available in 37 languages. 600 million downloads.

Free Browser History Recorder

Record Visited Websites

SurveilStar Activity Monitor is a free brower history recorder which allows you to track visited web sites, capture of URL addresses, page titles, and time of access. Advanced logging mechanisms detect Web pages visited with any Web browser of any version including commonly used such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera. SurveilStar effectively records URL addresses and page titles of every visited resource.
With free SurveilStar Activity Monitor, you can assign which particular computers and employees can access to Internet, when the Download SurveilStart Activity Monitor Freewareemployees can access to Internet, and which particular websites cannot be accessed, such as social websites, sex sites, stock sites and more. It also can grant access to or block some particular websites as well. Besides, SurveilStar provides you with the ability to view the list of open Web resources and generate comprehensive statistics about all sites and pages visited by the users within a specified period of time

SurveilStar Free Browser History Recorder features include:

• Capture of URL addresses, page titles, time of access.
• Monitor sites visited using Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera and other types of browsers.
• Filter webpages, block internet connnection, and set idle browsing time.
• Generate detailed reports about visited web sites.

Who Needs Free Browser History Recorder?

The internet is among the most pervasive inventions of all time. As our businesses, families and particularly children and teens become increasingly intertwined with it, the more essential it becomes for us to take a proactive role to improve employees' productivity and protect our loved ones from internet pornography and other dangers. It has always been possible, of course, for employers or parents to look at what their workers or kids are doning on the internet. Installing a free browser history recorder, your controls over your employees and children online activity will become much more easier.
With the help of our SurveilStar Activity Monitor, the best free browse history recorder, employers can generate reports and use them to help employees realize how much time they may be spending online that could be put to better use; parents can keep their families safe from ever more resourceful and persistent pornography vendors and other online predators.

For Employers:

Why you need to monitor your employees browsing history? Firstly, you don't want them looking at any inappropriate pictures while at work. You don't want your company to get into trouble for employee's sneaking around to look at pornographic images or anything else sexual. Secondly, you don't want them to cheat the time clock. You don't want them to waste your companies money by paying the employee if she or he is just surfing around on the Internet that isn't work related. Thirdly, make sure that your employees aren't stalking anyone on the Internet. You don't want to get in trouble with the legal system by allowing an employee to stalk a person on the Internet.
Monitoring the web browsing habits of employees is a necessary part of operating a business for some managers. Checking the computer usage of your employees can help you make important decisions on improving business productivity, establishing policies on business computer usage and determining which employees are violating company web browsing policies. You can monitor your employee web browsing by making an investment in our SurveilStar Activity Monitor software.
Installing Free Browser History Recorder can bring lots of benefits. For exmple, eliminate personal use of Internet, Email, IM and social networks at work; prevent viewing of inappropriate content by employees at work; stop employees wasting work time on computer games; protect company from legal lawsuits & reduce liability risk; protect company from fraudulent activity; and keep records of your company’s electronic communications.
Tracking employees’ online activities is necessary if Internet access priviliges is a part of their workflow. Web site tracking allows you to effectively analyze how much time your employees spend performing business tasks, and how much time is used on reading news and browsing entertainment Web sites. Trust our SurveilStar Activity Monitor to provide you with a safe working environment for your business.

For Parents:

What websites are your kids viewing online? Sexual predators are very rampant in several online social networking sites - even sites you may not be aware of. This is especially tricky to determine with so many sites kids are surfing nowadays. So, how do you monitor kids online activities? What are effective methods you can do to maintain the privacy and safety of your child online?
Monitoring your children’s Web browsing is important. You may not be able to monitor their surfing in real time. But it’s good to know exactly where they’ve been. SurveilStar Activity Monitor is an easy to use free browser history recorder to help parents discreetly monitor websites activities. SurveilStar Activity Monitor can track each site you visit regardless of whether the user has tried to delete the images or history from the computer. SurveilStar Activity Monitor records every website visited and can show you the actual images viewed. With a powerful search engine and an easy to use calendar, SurveilStar Activity Monitor can provide you with a full range of web activities. Information is the most powerful tool one can have when monitoring web activities.
To decrease your child's vulnerability against child offenders, it's best to educate them on the characteristics of a child predator. This way, your child can steer away from danger and minimize the risk of being 'tricked' by them. A local neighborhood watch group or social group should help improve your watch against child predators from communicating with your child.
You think you know everything about your child's activities, but you couldn't be more wrong. The Web offers a variety of medium for these predators to gain easy access to your child. It's vital that you teach children how to avoid these offenders and monitor kids online. As a parent, guidance is crucial to help children understand how these child predators works. You can also join social groups against child predators and learn techniques to prevent child predator contact online. Why not download and install Free Browser History Recorder for the best security software around to monitor your kids download any parental control

What Can You Do with SurveilStar Free Browser History Recorder?

1. Track Browsing History
SurveilStar Free Browser History Recorder captures the link of every visited web site. It allows companies and individuals to track the surfing habits of all PCs and users easily and invisibly. It logs the visited web site, user name, IP addresses, computer name and access times, into a password-protected encrypted file. This is very useful for employers or parents wanting to monitor any number of computers, employees or children.
With SurveilStar Free Browser History Recorder, employers can constantly tracking their employees browsing history constantly, and know whether their employees are doing the job they hire them for to are doing something else like playing online games, watching videos or just chatting. Parents can review their kids' web surfing history and take control over what sites, social networks and other Internet activities your child can access.
2. Filter Unwanted Webpages
SurveilStar Free Browser History Recorder lets employers and parents filter webpages and stop recording specified homepage files and websites. Ways to filter web pages include: setting the minimum and maximum file sizes of web pages, ignoring html pages with no text or no html tab and ignoring files of specified extemsion(s); ways to filter web sites include: specifying the host name or IP address of a specified web site or entering the main domain of URL in order to filter web sites under the sub domain of the specified domain. For example, you can enter “” and “”, “” etc will be filtered.
3. Block Internet Connection
With SurveilStar Activity Monitor, you can go a step further. Rather than just monitoring which Web sites employees visit, actually block undesirable sites. This is an especially good tactic in the case of pornographic sites that could subject your company to sexual harassment lawsuits or sites that are known to contain malicious software downloads, such as some hacker sites. You might also want to block certain “recreational” sites (entertainment topics, chat sites, etc.) to prevent employees from wasting time when they should be working.
Parent can block certain websites from children at home with this free Browser History Recorder. Parents can block websites like Orkut, MySpace and Facebook in order to stop childre from spending too much time on websites, and prevent kids from being interacting with complete strangers (or online predators) and even sharing personal information.
In addition to restricting internet activity SurveilStar Activity Monitor includes Advanced Blocking Rules, which allows you to specify the time ranges when the Internet activity should be collected, ensuring that you view only relevant information.

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TheWorld Browser

Review :
ni adalah keterangan resmi

TheWorld adalah browser web kecil dengan banyak fitur yang akan membiarkan Anda menikmati menavigasi melalui World Wide Web. Program ini memiliki antarmuka yang mirip dengan Mozilla Firefox, namun, hal itu bergantung pada mesin Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Pilihannya adalah sangat kaya dan terorganisir dengan baik.

Tinjauan berikut ditulis oleh salah satu Software Informer kontributor berlaku untuk versi 2.4

Google Chrome (Beta) v18.0.1025.113

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

The address bar of the browser serves multiple purposes - you can use it to enter an address as usual, search your page history, do web searches and much more.

When you open a new tab you are presented with thumbnails of your favourite pages for quick access.

Read more about the browser at Google's introduction page.

Download :

Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses selalu
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Orca Browser v1.2 build 6

Orca Browser merupakan browser web yang sangat cepat dan user friendly, dirancang untuk menambahkan fungsi pada versi terbaru Firefox. Tidak hanya Orca Browser berisi semua fitur, seperti keamanan, penggunaan memori rendah, spell-checker, built-in download manager, dll dari browser Gecko khas berbasis, juga meningkatkan kecepatan, menambahkan fitur built-in seperti AD Blocker, Pemblokir flash, Penyimpanan Profil online, otomatis Formulir-Filler, dan Outlook-Style RSS Reader. Auto Form-Filler membantu menghafal atau mengisi berbagai jenis bentuk web dan password. Hal ini juga dapat melindungi mereka dengan password keamanan master. Penyimpanan Profil online memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat account mereka sendiri. Dengan username dan password, pengguna dapat memilih untuk menyimpan atau mengakses data pribadi seperti bookmarks, AutoFills, dan RSS feed jarak jauh dari komputer manapun.

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Semoga berhasil dan bermanfaat
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Google Chrome 5 Beta

Google Chrome 5 beta has been released and it is the fastest beta to date for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The new beta release is 30% better performance and faster than the previous beta version.

Chrome 5 beta also includes couple new features such as:

* Ability to sync not only bookmarks but also browser preferences (themes, homepage, browser settings) on multiple computers using your Google Account.
* Now you can install and use Chrome extensions while in incognito mode (private browsing mode).
* Added new HTML5 features: Geolocation, app cache, web sockets, and file drag-and-drop capabilities.
* Bundle Adobe Flash Player plug-in with Chrome.
* Chrome now remembers zoom settings for each site.
* Bookmark manage now open in tab as an HTML page.
* Now you can reorder the extension buttons as you like.

Now you can download Google Chrome beta for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
In order to show you the speed of Google Chrome 5, the team did a series of unconventional speed tests for the browser.

Good Luck...
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