Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Androsa File Protector

Androsa FileProtector adalah sebuah program yang dapat digunakan untuk memproteksi file enkripsi dengan menggunakan sistem cryptography. Anda juga dapat memproteksi file video yang kemungkinan dapat dilihat oleh pengguna lain, sehingga orang yang dapat mengakses file yang sudah Anda proteksi adalah orang yang mengetahui password yang sudah Anda buat

Cara Installasi :
  • Download terlebih dahulu aplikasi Androsa File Protector Disini
  • Apabila file yang telah anda download berbentuk 'archive' maka silahkan anda ekstrak terlebih dahulu.
  • Oh ya, untuk menginstal androsa ini, maka anda perlu menginstal aplikasi Net Framework terlebih dahulu.
  • Jalankan aplikasi yang sudah anda download untuk memulai menginstal
  • Pilihlah bahasa yang anda inginkan kemudian klik Next untuk melanjut
  • Tampil wizard Welcome, klik lagi Next
  • Berikan tanda ceklis pada ‘I Accept the terms of the license agreement’ kemudian klik Next
  • Penentuan lokasi installasi, langsung saja klik Next
  • Akan ditampilkan informasi installasi program, klik Install dan tunggulah proses installasi hingga selesai
  • Jika installasi telah selesai maka akan ditampilkan seperti gambar berikut ini. Biarkan tanda ceklis pada ‘Launch program file’ kemudian klik Finish, maka program akan langsung dijalankan

Cara Menggunakan 
  • Bukalah Explore, kemudian carilah file yang ingin anda proteksi. Sebagai contoh saya akan memproteksi file yang bernama ‘pelatihan internet’ pada drive G

  • Klik kanan file yang akan anda proteksi tersebut, kemudian klik Androsa File Protector System

  • Maka akan ditampilkan kotak dialog Protector Setting. Tulislah password anda pada kotak Password Manager dan Password Verification lalu klik tombol Protect

  • Tunggulah proses hingga 100%, kemudian jika sudah klik Close
  • Lihatlah hasilnya.
  • Kini file yang telah anda proteksi tampilannya akan berubah seperti gambar berikut ini. Sekarang cobalah buka file tersebut, maka kotak dialog meminta password akan langsung aktif dan jika tidak mengetahui passwordnya maka file tidak akan bisa terbuka.

  • Untuk membuka file yang telah diproteksi, klik ganda file tersebut
  • Masukkan password yang telah anda buat sebelumnya lalu klik Restore
  • Tunggulah proses restorasi file, lalu klik tombol Close
  • Lihatlah, kini file yang anda proteksi akan dinormalkan seperti sedia kala.
  • Jika anda ingin memproteksi kembali caranya hanya tinggal klik kanan file tersebut lalu klik Androsa File Protector System
  • Silahkan anda memproteksi untuk seluruh file penting yang anda miliki

Sumber :  javacreativity

AAA Logo 2010 3.10 + Serial Number

AAA Logo merupakan sebuah progam yang dapat digunakan untuk mendesign logo.
Walaupun merupakan progam medesign,tetapi tidak memberatkan komputer karena sangat simpel.
Simpel bukan berarti yang dihasilkan tidak bagus loh...
Saya sudah mencobanya dan membuat saya memudahkan dalam membuat logo-logo yang cantik tentunya.
AAA Logo dihargai dengan uang sebesar 49$ ini,dapat anda dapatkan dengan gratis karena saya sudah menyediakan serial numbernya untuk membuatnya menjadi full version,

jadi anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing untuk mengeluarkan uang.

Berikut Screenshot Full Version dari pc saya :
                                                           Sample Logo dari AAA Logo
 Gambar AAA Logo yang sudah register :

Bagi yang ingin download silahkan klik link dibawah ini :
>> AAA Logo 3.10 2010 - (7MB) - Mediafire Link
>> Serial Number AAA Logo 3.10 2010 - (1KB) - Mediafire Link

^_^ Semoga bermanfaat

5 Software Desain Rumah

Software Design Rumah Gratis
Software Desain Rumah Gratis.  Pada postingan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang design rumah, dan saya pikir artikel kali ini akan sangat berguna dan sangat cocok untuk anda yang sedang bingung membuat design rumah, atau bagi anda yang sedang memilah milih design yang cocok untuk rumah anda nantinya. Dengan 5 Software Desain Rumah yang nantinya akan kita bahas anda dapat merancang berbagai macam bentuk dari bangunan rumah Anda seperti mengatur desain denah, design interior dan bahkan anda juga dapat mengatur penempatan meubel.

Berikut 5 Software Desain Rumah Gratis

Software Design Rumah Gratis

Software Desain Rumah

Sweet Home 3D adalah software desain rumah gratis dan open source yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menggambar dinding rumah Anda, menambahkan warna atau tekstur dari setiap kamar, dan drag dan drop ke rencana furnitur dari katalog yang disediakan seperti jendela, pintu, ruang tamu, dapur.
Sementara itu, semua perubahan desain interior rumah dalam rencana 2D namun dapat melihat dalam tampilan 3D, dan Anda dapat menavigasi di dalamnya baik dari sudut pandang udara, atau dari sudut pandang pengunjung virtual. Bagian terbaik adalah Anda dapat mencetak rencana desain rumah Anda ditambah ekspor ke format OBJ objek tampilan 3D untuk mengimpor mereka dalam perangkat lunak 3D lainnya.

Software Design Rumah Gratis
Autodesk Homestyler adalah aplikasi untuk desain rumah online gratis yang memungkinkan anda untuk membuat rencana desain interior dan impian pembangunan rumah anda.  Penggunaannya sangat mudah dengan drag dan drop, produk terkenal, dan pandangan 3D sehingga membuat Autodesk Homestyler menjadi salah satu pilihan terbaik untuk memulai rumah Anda.  Tool ini berbasis web sehingga anda dapat langsung mengaksesnya secara Online.

Software Design Rumah Gratis
Roomle adalah salah satu alat perencanaan inovatif online yang bersifat gratis.  Anda tidak perlu software tambahan. Sebagai pengguna terdaftar, Anda dapat menyusun rencana memdesign rumah anda sebanyak yang Anda inginkan dan mengaksesnya setiap saat.

Software Design Rumah Gratis
Home Desain 3D dengan LiveCAD merupakan salah satu solusi untuk dengan mudah merancang rencana sesuai dengan standar pengaturan, yang dilengkapi berbagai alat profesional untuk desain, tampilan, menyajikan dan mewujudkan semua proyek bangunan Anda!

Software Design Rumah Gratis
Perencanaan online adalah tool gratis yang memungkinkan Anda membuat desain atau sketsa denah rumah, ruangan serta desain interior yang profesional. Floorplanner menggunakan satu set alat profesional dan tampilan visual yang kaya untuk membantu pengguna membayangkan dan merancang mimpi mereka sendiri denah tanpa pengetahuan tentang desain interior.

PhotoScape 3.6.2

Kumpulan Software Gratis
Already be familiar with this one photo editor. PhotoScape 3.6.2 is a freeware which serves to assist editing your photos for editing simple or advanced. Software is well known for lightweight and flexible when run, and only takes up very little CPU usage. For a freeware, this software can be relied

Kumpulan Software Gratis

Kumpulan Software Gratis


Winrar 4.20 Beta 2

Kumpulan Software Gratis
Winrar 2012 Latest Tool that must be owned by your RAR is a type of file archiving to files that are scattered into one container and compression program competing or substitute programs such as PKZip, ARJ, and others. RAT memilikik compression ratio increased significantly, easy to use and supports long file names, disk spanning, and self-extracting file penciptaan.Anda can also try RAR for Mac OS X, Linux, or FreeBSD.
Screenshot :
Kumpulan Software Gratis

Kumpulan Software Gratis

WinRAR is a file archiver and archive manager. RAR files can usually compress up to 15 percent better than traditional ZIP-files. The main features of WinRAR includes a powerful compression ability to process non-RAR archive formats, embedded file comments, encryption, ZIP compression and decompression, support for long file names can, Recovery of physically damaged archives, multivolume archives, unicode support in archive filenames and support for self-extracting archives (SFX).

In addition to complete support of RAR and ZIP WinRAR provides basic operations for 7Z, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LZH, TAR, uue, Z files created by other tools.

As with most other file compression program. WinRAR can also compress the 2.0 zip file. Hide the file name, and split archives into multiple files of user-defined size.

WinRAR offers a powerful automation tool. That allows you, for instance, simplify an incremental backup by creating the appropriate profile.

You can automate the task even further with the powerful, which let you create a shortcut to the old-style Windows and DOS batch files to perform a specific job.

Translated all Language with Kamus 2.0.4

Kumpulan Software Gratis
Kamus 2.0.4 This is a dictionary that can translate the application installed on the PC. With small files, an 2MB, portable installer. In addition advantage is no need to use Internet connection for mentranslatenya. It can not be compared with a dictionary application that dozens of its MB size, but with this dictionary to translate I think it's a little bit of English to Indonesia and vice versa

Kumpulan Software Gratis

Patch Buat aktivasi Win 7

Patch windows 7 >> Buat anda yang sudah menginstall Windows 7 Ultimate, dan belum diaktivasi, anda bisa menggunakan  7 Loader Software Patch Buat aktivasi Windows 7 .

Cara instalasinya cukup mudah yaitu install dulu Windows 7, ketika kita dimintai untuk memasukkan serial number biarkan kosong dulu. Jika proses Instalasi selesai maka langsung jalankan file 7 loader. Tunggu beberapa saat maka nanti komputer akan minta restart sendiri.

Jika berhasil maka Windows anda akan teraktivasi atau genuine.

Silakan download 7 loader 1.7 di sini

Mau Comment silahkan.. kalau mau tidak maksa..

Comfortable Translate with Ace Translator v9.4.7.687

Kumpulan Software Gratis

Ace Translator is a translation tool that supports a huge number of languages and, beside the text translating feature, it"s also able to show the correct pronunciation for a user-defined phrase.

The application is amazingly easy to use and is quite similar to Google Translate. There are two different fields, one that prompts you to pick the original text language and a second one where the app will display the translated text.

Open Office 2007 to 2003 with File Format Converter

Office 2007 seems to be a substitute for Office 2003. But for Office 2003 Office 2003 Lovers like me who have a more simple look and calm of 2007. But sometimes we bother if we're going to open the file format of Office 2007 (. Docx) in Office 2003.

Download AutoCAD 2013 Full Version + Keygen Gratis

AutoCAD 2013 adalah salah satu software yang paling sering sekali digunakan untuk  mendesign gambar-gambar yang bersifat 3 dimensi maupun 2 dimensi. Bagi para insinyur sipil, land developers, arsitek, insinyur mesin, designer interior  program AutoCAD ini menjadi andalan untuk proses pembuatan konsep project mereka. Versi terakhir yang dikembangkan oleh AutoDesk sampai saat ini adalah telah sampai AutoCAD 2013. Nah, apa saja kira-kira fitur yang ditawarkan dari AutoCAD 2013?

AutoCAD 2013

AutoCAD 2013 Download AutoCAD 2013 Full Version + Keygen Gratis

Faster Download With IDM 6.12 Build 3

Faster Download With Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 3
After yesterday's post Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 2 Full Patch, this time the IDM has been release a new version, namely Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 3 Full Patch which in this version, IDM has a new feature such as Fixed Bugs. Now for the Downloader Mania who want to experience Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 3 Full Patch this, please try.
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase of download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads.

Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.

Open Create PDF With PDF Nitro Pro 7.5.0

Open PDF With PDF Nitro Pro 7.5.0

 A long time ago I've shared a similar software, the Nitro PDF Pro 7.4.1. And now I present to you the latest version. This software is very popular among the officers, students, or students, to complete the task of lecture. They chose the Nitro PDF Pro because it is easier to use and simple to operate. So whether you need this software, if you need to download ... please!

Nitro PDF Professional is an affordable, fully-featured PDF creation and editing product. The professional application Gives you full control over PDF documents, Including creation, commenting, form-filling and authoring, digital signatures, text editing, one-click creation from Microsoft Office and more.

Nitro PDF Desktop is a convenient alternative to Adobe Acrobat for people WHO want to use PDF.

Nitro PDF Professional is one of the most advanced PDF editing and creating software solutions, providing all the tools Basically you would ever need to help you in this regard.

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab MX 18

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab MX 18 icon
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab MX is a software that allows you to edit any audio file, so be as you wish. I now present another software made by MAGIX, where some time ago I've shared with you the Xara Photo Graphic Designer. But this was different utility software, MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab MX is specifically for work especial audio file. Ranging from clear sound, eliminating the annoying noise. The program also has a complete set of tools, which is like a compressor, equalizer, stereo expander, and more. To use this software is in demand to have skills in audio editing, because this software has a simple and easy to understand. So wait no more, please download!
With MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 18 deluxe you can easily digitize and restore old music from tapes or LPS and enhance the sound quality of any MP3 file. It's easy to record web radio speech or audio and remove unwanted distortions. Perfect sound quality in one easy step! Easy to use and perfect results: Achieve flawless sound reproduction! The improved program interface helps users Achieve results even faster and supports them in all steps of the audio editing process.

Uninstall Software With Ashampoo UnInstaller 4.30

Uninstall Software With Ashampoo UnInstaller 4.30
It's been long enough do not share software uninstaller. Therefore on this occasion I will share uninstaller software is multi-function. Why do I say so, because the output Ashampoo uninstaller will not only serve to uninstall any problems but can also be used to delete files that do not function in the registery and can also be used to defragment your drive so that it can reduce the risk of crashes. Uniquely this software can detect when you perform the installation program by running setup.exe or install.exe. So if you want to have a uniqueness that is on offer, from the curious direct download only.
Windows is famous for getting more sluggish the more you use it. One reason for this is that? Many programs leave your computer full of digital garbage when you remove them. Every time you try out a new program and then uninstall it your system gets more and more clogged up with redundant components That program just get in the way and slow down Things.

Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.9 Full Keygen Patch

Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager v4.0.9 Full Keygen Patch
  Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 4.0.9 Full + Keygen Patch is the latest version of Windows 7 Manager, which is a special Windows 7 software utilities that are useful to improve performance and fix problems in Windows 7 you. This software can be used for all the good Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit.
Tweaking and optimizing the operating system is a challenge for many users out there, not only Because This Could also improv performance computer, but also Because It's hard to choose a software solution that's really efficient.

Cara Restore/Install Ghost Windows

Setelah browsing kesana kemari saya mendapatkan cara untuk restore Ghost  kebetulan windows yang dipakai adalah Windows 7 Misterious Dark yang beberapa waktu telah saya publish. Untuk dapat menerapkan Ghost Windows XP/Vista/7 pada PC, Notebook maupun Laptop yang perlu lakukan adalah sebagai berikut ini:

1. Download Ghost Misterious Dark Windows 7
2. Download Aplikasi untuk Ghost, OneKey hanya 3MB

Setelah dua poin diatas telah Anda dapatkan silahkan anda gunakan Aplikasi OneKey Ghost kemudian Anda jalankan seperti berikut

Uniblue PowerSuite 2012 Full + Crack

Uniblue PowerSuite 2012 Full + Crack

Been a long time I did not post the software from Uniblue. Now is the time.
Uniblue PowerSuite 2012 Full + Crack is a useful software to speed up the system, clean and optimize your Registry, Instant Driver Update. Uniblue PowerSuite 2012 Full + Crack SpeedUpMyPC consists of (to optimize the system), MaxiDisk (for hard drive), and DriverScanner (to update the driver).


CCleaner Professional 3.20.1750 Full + Crack

CCleaner Professional 3.20.1750 Full + Crack
CCleaner no longer update it. After I've never shared before CCleaner Professional 3.19.1721 Full + Crack, there are now new version again. As we know, CCleaner is a useful tool to clean up junk files your computer can be burdensome.
When it comes to keeping one's computer clean, it is advisable to rely on software dedicate so as to Ensure Greater PC performance and get more storage space on the hard disks. CCleaner is a renowned tool for removing unnecessary the data with a few mouse clicks.

It's very easy to install CCleaner as it only takes a few seconds before all files are successfully copied. After that, a user-friendly interface brings into focus the main functions right from the first window: Cleaner, Registry, Tools and Options.

One of the advantages of CCleaner is that? It works very fast and, above all, it is efficient in removing temporary files and the data processed by multiple browsers as well as other applications.

Avanquest PC Speed Maximizer Full Patch

Avanquest PC Speed Maximizer Full Patch
This time I will distribute a software utility that called Avanquest PC Speed ​​Maximizer 3.1.00. Perhaps there are many who are not familiar with this one softare. From the name alone is unclear what the purpose of this software is to maximize the performance of your PC. In general, PC Speed ​​Maximizer 3.1.00 Avanquest has the same function as the Tune-up Utilities who is repairing registry errors, junk files and delete your windows mengcostumize.
PC Speed ​​Maximizer: simple, easy and fast, it will optimize your system with just the click of a button. PC Maximizer will clean your PC, remove dangerous privacy files and free up disk space, all to keep your PC running like new and your online privacy protected.

Optimize registry: the registry scans and corrects registry problems the which can slow down your PC and Causes crashes. The Windows Registry stores settings and options for Microsoft Windows. Over time, the registry gradually Grows in size and gets cluttered with invalid and obsolete data. This slows Windows down and Causes other problems.

Winamp 5.63 Build 3234 Pro Full Version

Winamp 5.63 Build 3234 Pro Full + Keygen
Who is not familiar with this software, this is the software that must exist on every computer, laptop or notebook. Winamp now comes with the latest version of Winamp Pro 5.63 Build 3234. Winamp is a music player software is very popular because it offers many facilities, especially about the music and video.
Those WHO find the full package a bit Overwhelming Winamp since it includes so many tools have an alternative They can turn to. It is the Lite version of the famous audio player, That's edition still has a lot to offer.

Winamp Lite does not include some of the advanced features are part of the That standard installation kit, but still, the application is Able to play all media formats and comes with the same user friendly interface we've seen since version 3.0.