Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Cara Mudah Mengganti Tombol Start

Saya yakin bagi para pengguna Windows 7 seringkali merasa bosan dengan tampilan Start Menu yang ada di pojok kiri bawah itu. Yah…memang membosankan sekali tampilannya….adakah cara untuk merubah tampilan tombol Start itu??

Hehehe…ya pasti ada dong, karena pada artikel kali ini saya akan menunjukkan pada anda cara mudah untuk merubah dan memodifikasi tampilan tombol Start menu Windows 7 anda agar menjadi lebih keren dan lebih gaya. Anda bisa merubah menjadi icon Smile, Icon Ubuntu, Icon Fire, Halilintar dan lain sebagainya…pokoknya keren deeeh. Berikut ini caranya :

Berikut ini tampilan tombol Start sebelum diubah.

Download dulu pada link yang sudah tersedia di bagian bawah.
Extarct file yang sudah anda download karena filenya dalam bentuk .rar
Open Windows 7  Start Button Changer, klik kanan pilih Run As Administator untuk menjalankannya
Setelah di Run As Administator muncul kotak seperti di bawah ini

Pilih Select & Change Start Button Nomor yang pertama untuk mengganti Button Start Menu
Kemudian bukalah folder Start Button yang ada di dalam folder yang sudah anda download tadi. Pilih salah satu icon yang anda sukai dan klik Open.

Taraaaaa!!! Berikut ini tampilan tombol Start setelah diubah….dan tombol Start ini bisa bergerak looooo hehehehe coba anda dekatkan mouse anda.

Anda juga dapat merubahnya lagi sesuai keinginan. Caranya masih sama.

Trusss!! Gimana cara merubah ke tampilan semula?? Hehehe caranya silakan anda klik tombol Restore Original Explorer Backup dan pasti tampilan tombolnya sudah kembali seperti sedia kala.

Sumber :

Windows 8.1 Pro Preview Alias "Windows 8 Blue"

Windows 8 adalah komputasi modern untuk bisnis dan profesional untuk membantu tetap terhubung dengan rekan dan klien mereka dari mana saja, kapan saja. Kemajuan Windows 8.1 dalam visi ini untuk memperkenalkan pengelolaan baru, mobilitas, keamanan, pengalaman pengguna dan kemampuan jaringan. Windows 8 Blue akan tersedia akhir tahun ini dengan tujuan menawarkan pelanggan tablet bisnis dan PC bisnis modern dengan dukungan sistem operasi paling baik yang dirancang untuk bisnis modern saat ini.
Windows 8.1 akan memberikan perbaikan dan tambahan di bidang utama seperti personalisasi, pencarian, built-in aplikasi, Windows Store, dan konektivitas awan. Windows 8.1 juga akan menguraikan beberapa perbaikan, penyempurnaan dan perubahan seperti dibawah ini.
1. Personalisasi:
Pada Windows 8.1, Anda akan dapat berbuat lebih banyak untuk pengalaman mempersonalisasi pada perangkat Anda. Jadi pada Windows 8.1, Anda dapat mengubah PC atau tablet menjadi sebuah bingkai foto dengan membuat layar Kunci Anda tampilan slide gambar Anda – baik secara lokal pada perangkat atau foto dari SkyDrive. Windows 8.1 juga menambahkan kemampuan untuk mengambil gambar dengan built-in kamera yang tepat dari Kunci layar tanpa harus login.
Anda bahkan dapat memilih latar belakang desktop Anda sebagai latar belakang layar Start Anda, Dan fitur layar Start pada Windows 8.1 berbagai ukuran ubin termasuk ubin kecil baru yang besar dan baru, sehingga Anda dapat mengatur layar Start Anda persis seperti yang Anda inginkan. Ini juga lebih mudah untuk nama kelompok dan mengatur ulang ubin. Sekarang Anda dapat memilih beberapa aplikasi sekaligus, mengubah ukurannya, uninstall/menghapusnya, atau mengatur ulang mereka. Anda dapat melihat semua aplikasi hanya dengan menggesekkan dari bawah untuk melihat semua aplikasi, dan Windows 8.1 telah menambahkan kemampuan untuk menyaring aplikasi Anda dengan nama, tanggal diinstal, yang paling banyak digunakan, atau berdasarkan kategori.
2. Pencarian:
Pada Windows 8.1, pesona Search akan memberikan hasil pencarian global didukung oleh Bing, sederhana untuk dibaca, pandangan agregat banyak sumber konten (web, aplikasi, file, SkyDrive). Saya pikir ini akan benar-benar mengubah cara Anda berinteraksi dengan web sehingga akan lebih cepat dan lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan sesuatunya. Ini adalah versi modern dari baris perintah pencarian! Tindakan cepat mencakup hal-hal yang Anda ingin lakukan seperti memutar lagu atau video. Hasil dari file lokal, aplikasi, dan pengaturan yang mudah diakses dengan menggulir ke kiri.
3. Apps dan Windows Store:
Aplikasi Foto sekarang memiliki beberapa fitur editing baru yang memungkinkan Anda dengan cepat mengedit atau menyesuaikan foto saat Anda melihatnya di app Foto atau membukanya dari tempat-tempat lain seperti Mail, SkyDrive, dan aplikasi Kamera. Dan aplikasi Musik juga telah sepenuhnya didesain ulang untuk membantu memilih dan memutar musik dari koleksi Anda.
Peningkatan Windows Store pada Windows 8.1 dirancang untuk menampilkan info lebih dari pada Windows 8 dengan daftar rinci aplikasi top gratis, rilis baru, dan panduan Anda pada homepage. Daftar app lebih deskriptif dan informatif dan mencakup area untuk aplikasi terkait untuk membantu dengan penemuan app. Kategori terdaftar dengan perintah aplikasi lain seperti link ke aplikasi Anda dan informasi account Anda. Aplikasi update menginstal secara otomatis di latar belakang. Dan pencarian tersedia di pojok kanan atas untuk menemukan aplikasi yang Anda inginkan.
4. Cloud Konektivitas:
Pada Windows 8.1 file Anda dapat disimpan langsung ke SkyDrive, sehingga Anda dapat selalu memiliki file Anda. Aplikasi SkyDrive baru memberi Anda akses ke file Anda yang ada pada perangkat Anda, dan file dapat diakses bahkan ketika offline. Juga, ketika Anda log on ke Windows 8.1 perangkat Anda dengan akun Microsoft Anda ( secara default).
5. Pengaturan PC:
Pengaturan PC diperbarui pada Windows 8.1 memberikan Anda akses ke semua pengaturan Anda pada perangkat Anda tanpa harus pergi ke Control Panel pada desktop. Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal seperti mengubah resolusi layar Anda, mengatur power options Anda, lihat model PC Anda, mengubah kunci produk, membiarkan Anda menjalankan Windows Update, dan bahkan bergabung dengan domain – semua dari Settings PC. Anda bahkan dapat mengatur SkyDrive dari Pengaturan PC juga dan melihat berapa banyak penyimpanan yang tersedia yang Anda miliki.
6. Internet Explorer:
Web browsing menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang paling populer pada perangkat apapun. Itu sebabnya dengan Windows 8.1, Anda juga mendapatkan Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). IE11 dibangun di atas kemajuan dalam IE10 dan merupakan satu-satunya browser yang dibangun untuk sentuhan. IE11 akan menawarkan kinerja sentuh yang lebih baik, lebih cepat waktu loading halaman dan beberapa fitur baru lainnya. Misalnya, Anda sekarang dapat menyesuaikan tampilan IE11 modern untuk selalu menampilkan address bar dan Anda dapat memiliki banyak tab terbuka yang Anda inginkan. Dan Anda dapat mengakses tab terbuka di sync di perangkat Windows 8.1.
7. Mouse dan Pilihan Keyboard
Windows 8.1 telah memperbaiki cara Anda menavigasi ke Start dengan mouse dengan mengubah Start “tip” menjadi logo Windows yang biasa digunakan pada windows 7. Ujung baru akan muncul kapan saja Anda memindahkan mouse ke pojok kiri bawah layar, dan selalu terlihat pada taskbar ketika pada desktop dan pilihan untuk boot ke layar alternatif. Misalnya, jika Anda memilih untuk melihat Apps melihat versus semua ubin, Anda dapat memilih untuk memiliki Start screen langsung ke tampilan Apps.
image host
image host
Ini hanya beberapa pembaruan pada Windows 8.1. Saya akan blogging tentang ini dan perubahan lain dalam beberapa minggu mendatang. Windows 8.1 akan tersedia akhir tahun ini sebagai update gratis bagi konsumen untuk Windows 8 melalui Windows Store.
Mulai 26 Juni, dan waktunya dengan dimulainya Build, Anda akan dapat memeriksa perbaikan ini untuk diri sendiri dengan Windows 8.1 preview yang akan dirilis. Tetapi Anda tidak perlu lagi menunggu sampai tanggal 26 juni nanti untuk dapat menjajal Windows 8.1 Pro Preview karena masterGOmaster telah siap memberikan OS ini pada direct link dibawah ini.
  • Free Download Windows 8.1 Pro Preview Build 9385 l 2.78 GiB
  • Key Untuk Instal 7FW8N-KBBXY-YW888-D8Q6K-XKTF4
Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.


Transform Windows XP on Windows Vista using VistaMizer. Having the graphic interface of Vista on your obsolete OS is possible if you download VistaMizer

Author      : M. Hoefs
O.S.         :WindowsWindows
License     : Freeware
Languages  :English
Date          :03/04/11 (Updated)
Last rev.    : 02/17/12
File size     :18.9 MB

 Download VistaMizer
Download VistaMizer

The Window Vista design on your XP.

VistaMizer places the Windows Vista desktop on top of that of Windows XP. Thanks to this complete pack, managing to make the design of the menus, buttons and other objects of your Windows operating system to look like those of Windows Vista (very similar to those of Windows 7) is very simple.

  This Windows Vista theme for Windows XP works in a very simple fashion, you will only have to install it, restart it and see how your system has changed. Where you used to have blue bars with red buttons you will now find the polished interface that was launched with Vista.

  Having the Windows Vista Standard (just like Aero but without animations nor advanced graphic effects) design on Windows XP provides a quality sensation that is a lot higher in all the system, something that has a direct effect on how it is used. To manage this, VistaMizer modifies various system files like DLLs, screensavers, icons, wallpapers, mouse cursors,... The truth is that it will look like you are working with Windows Vista instead of XP.

  Thus, now you know, if you use XP because Vista doesn't work on your PC or because you simply like how XP works, you may want to install VistaMizer and manage to get a modern and functional interface.

  Requirements: This download only works on Windows XP.


Images VistaMizer

SE Desktop Constructor

This is one application program to customize the overall look of your favorite desktop computer to look different and attractive.

SE Desktop Constructor is small and lightweight application program to change the look of the desktop computer, such as the background image (background image), add a clock or calendar, desktop with the colors fade, and more.

Free Download Ghost Windows XP SP3 2012

Ghost Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 ini dibuat oleh Bang Chu Cai Bang dari Vietnam dan sengaja saya sharing untuk Anda semua barangkali diantaranya ada yang suka akan Ghost XP ini, sedikit informasi dari OS ini adalah ada beberapa aplikasi tambahannya meliputi 7-Zip, CCleaner, AnyBizSoft (PDF to Word), Foxit Phantom, K-Lite Codec Pack, Microsoft Office 2003, Compability Pack for the 2007 Office system, TeraCopy, WinRAR, Yahoo! Messenger, Your Uninstaller!, Internet Download Manager dll. Ghost Windows XP SP3 2012 Preview

Windows 7 Last Chaos SP1 x86

Windows 7 Last Chaos ini dibangun dari Windows versi Ultimate dengan Service Pack 1 dengan update terakhir pada bulan Maret 2012, Operasi Sisitem ini cukup bagus dalam tampilannya dengan disertakan beberapa Windows 7 theme seperti Blade, Chrome & Black, City, Cyborg, Dark Vision, Infection, Majestic Metal, Nemesis, Pandorum, ROG V2, dan masih banyak tema windows 7 lainnya. 

Windows XP Black Edition 2011

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Black Edition yang berarsitektur 32bit ini sudah terintegrasi drivers SATA/ACHI, LAN, WLAN dan Monitors. Sengaja saya tidak kasih screenshoot untuk tampilannya dan jika penasaran silahkan download Windows XP Black Edition 2011 ini dibawah artikel

Serial Number, silahkan pilih salah satunya:
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-1457236-XXXXX

Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-2972611-XXXXX

Key 3: D6FY9-288V2-QHKC8-WW9DY-YCKJJ
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-1974194-XXXXX

Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-0437133-XXXXX

Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-0542082-XXXXX


* 7-Zip v9.20.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.
* HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11.
* Unlocker v1.9.1.
* STDU Viewer v1.6.2.
* Paint.NET v3.5.8.
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.4.5.0.
* Ultracopier v0.2.0.16.

(o) Extras:

* 7 new Windows XP Themes: (ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0), (Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS), (Windows 7 Colors v1.0), (Disney – It’s a Magical World v1.0), (BlackMesa v1.1), (NeoGeniX LS v1.0), (Royale Remixed v1.47).
* 3 new visualizations for Windows Media Player 11: (Energy bliss), (Rhythm Waves) and (Pic Viz II).
* Some new Web Links added in the Favorites folder of Windows XP.
* Windows XP Key Changer (Keyfinder v1.51) and a text file with working WGA Keys.

(o) Patches :

* TCP/IP Patch: Allows you to have 16777214 (Max) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of 10.
* Uxtheme Patch: Allows you to use un-signed Custom visual styles.
* SFC Patch: Allows you to disable and enable Windows File Protection with a registry key.
* RAID-5 Patch: This will enable Software RAID-5 Support.

(o) Tweaks :

* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v4.0 (KB890830).

(o) Driver Packs :

* MassStorage v11.09 – Supported Device list at:
* LAN v11.09 – Supported Device list at:
* WLAN v11.09 – Supported Device list at:
* Monitors v10.05 – Supported Device list at:

(o) Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates :

* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows Internet Explorer 8.
* Windows Media Player 11.
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 Service Pack 3 (KB973685).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) Version June 2011.
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2102.
* Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.229.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.248.

(o) New Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Applications :

* Windows XP Powertoy – ClearType Tuner v1.01.
* Windows XP Powertoy – Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0.
* Windows User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB892130) – Cracked Version.

(o) Runtimes :

* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7.
* Flash Player ActiveX Control v10.3.183.7.
* Shockwave Player v11.6.1.629.
* Microsoft Silverlight v4.0.60531.0.
* Microsoft DirectX v9.29.1962.
* Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 SP1, v2.0 SP2, v3.0 SP2, v3.5 SP1, v4 Client, v4 Extended.
* Microsoft Visual C-family v1, v7, v8, v9, v10, (v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 are already included in Windows XP Service Pack 3).
* Microsoft Visual Basic v1, v2, v3, v4, v7+, (v5, v6 are already included in Windows XP Service Pack 3).


* Applications: Address Book, Games, Internet Games, Paint, Pinball.
* Multimedia: Images and Backgrounds, Movie Maker, Music Samples, Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder.
* Network: Communication tools, FrontPage Extensions, Internet Information Services (IIS), MSN Explorer, Netmeeting, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger.
* Operating System Options: Blaster/Nachi removal tool, Desktop Cleanup Wizard, Out of Box Experience (OOBE), Security Center, Tour, Zip Folders.
* Drivers: Display Adapters, IBM ThinkPad, Logitech WingMan, Microsoft SideWinder, Scanners, Serial Pen Tablet, Sony Jog Dial, Toshiba DVD decoder card.
* Files: clock.avi, swtchbrd.bmp, yahoo.bmp.
* Nothing has been removed that could cause any System Problems or any Problems with other Software Applications.

Windows XP Black Edition v2011.9.15 x86 2011 ISO l 699 MB
Part 01 Download | Part 03 Download
Part 02 Download | Part 04 Download

Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.

Bosan setiap kali Anda login ke komputer melihat desktop yang hanya dipenuhi shorcut-shorcut yang tak beraturan dan wallpaper yang itu-itu saja? Silahkan simak tips berikut ini untuk mempercantik tampilan desktop Windows Anda agar tak lagi membosankan. Bahkan jadikan dekstop lebih fungsional dengan menambahkan beberapa aplikasi desktop gratis yang tak memakan banyak resources komputer Anda sehingga lebih nyaman untuk digunakan beraktivitas komputer sehari-hari.
Banyak aplikasi-aplikasi sebagai penghias desktop komputer Anda, namun disini kita akan memakai beberapa aplikasi yang paling populer di dunia maya. Berikut beberapa aplikasi yang akan kita gunakan:  

Yahoo Widget  
Dari namanya Anda pasti sudah menebak aplikasi ini adalah buatan Yahoo. Benar, aplikasi widget milik Yahoo ini sangat mudah digunakan dan terdapat banyak pilihan widget yang tersedia. Pertama Anda tinggal mendownload Yahoo widget di lalu install seperti biasa, sebelumnya Anda memerlukan Java Runtime agar widget bisa digunakan. Java Runtime bisa didapatkan di 
Setelah menginstall akan muncul window baru, pilih “I Accept” dan Yahoo widget akan segera tampil di sisi kanan desktop Anda. Untuk mengkostumisasi widget caranya cukup mudah.

1) Mengatur Weather widget:

Untuk mengganti lokasi, Anda tinggal mengklik kiri di nama lokasi di widget yang secara default berlokasi di Sunnyville lalu klik “Change location”. Ketikkan nama kota Anda di kolom isian lalu enter. Setelah itu klik “OK”

2) Menambahkan RSS Feed widget:


Anda tak ingin ketinggalan berita terkini namun Anda terlalu sibuk untuk membuka halaman website. Ada banyak pilihan RSS feed widget di Yahoo. Salah satunya RSS Ticker Tape, aplikasi ini serupa pada news ticker yang biasa terdapat di bawah acara-acara berita di TV yang berupa running text. Anda tinggal mendownload RSS Ticker Tape di website Yahoo widget. Lalu simpan di My Documents/My Widget.
Setelah itu Anda kembali ke Yahoo widget yang terletak di pojok kanan desktop Anda, klik symbol “+” dan pilih RSS Ticker Tape lalu pilih “Use widget”. RSS Ticker Tape akan muncul di bagian atas desktop. Untuk mengganti channel berita yang Anda inginkan Anda cukup kunjungi website yang menjadi rujukan berita terkini misal Anda memilih Blog FastnCheap, klik logo RSS lalu copy alamat RSS feed di address bar browser Anda.
Kemudian kembali ke RSS Ticker Tape klik kanan pada widget pilih “Feed configuration” lalu “Channel maintenance” dan klik “Add new channel” paste alamat RSS tadi di kolom “RSS URL” lalu klik Add. Andapun bisa mengkostumisasi widget dengan mengklik kanan di widget tersebut lalu pilih “Widget preferences” mengganti warna atau jika komputer Anda memiliki spesifikasi yang memadai Anda bisa merubah kecepatan running text sehingga serupa dengan news ticker yang ada di TV.


Aplikasi ini merupakan launcher pengganti start menu, dari sini Anda bisa langsung menjalankan aplikasi yang diinginkan dengan cepat. Rocketdock juga memiliki banyak pilihan plugin dan skin yang akan semakin mempercantik tampilan desktop Anda. Anda bisa mendownload Rocketdock di Install seperti biasa setelah itu jalankan Rocketdock melalui Start menu. Secara default Rocketdock berada di bagian atas desktop Anda.

 1) Menambah dan mengganti icon shorcut:

 Menu Dock Settings

 Untuk menambah shortcut di Rocketdock tinggal drag & drop shorcut yang ada di desktop ke dock. Anda pun bisa mengganti icon shorcut Anda dengan icon yang diinginkan dengan cara mengklik kanan pada shorcut yang dipilih lalu klik “Icon Settings” disini Anda bisa menambahkan folder icon favorit Anda di harddisk dengan mengklik symbol “+”, mengganti icon yang diinginkan, dan mengganti nama Shortcut aplikasi Anda. Jika sudah selesai tinggal klik ‘”OK”.

 2) Mengubah tampilan dock:

 Menu Dock Settings

Untuk mengubah tampilan dock, klik kanan pada dock pilih “Dock Settings” atau klik Shorcut “Dock Settings…”. Di menu tersebut Anda bisa merubah tema, animasi, ukuran icon sampai merubah huruf shorcut.

 Dengan menggunakan aplikasi di atas Anda akan mendapatkan desktop yang lebih menarik dan fungsional. Tak akan ketinggalan berita terkini dan cuaca hari ini dengan Yahoo Widget dan tak ada lagi shortcut-shortcut tak beraturan di desktop berkat Rocketdock. Dan tentunya tak akan memberatkan kinerja PC Anda. Selamat mencoba.

Silahkan Download saja :

XP Repair Pro Standard Edition Full Activation

May still unfamiliar with this software. XP Repair Pro Standard Edition Full Keygen is one of the utilities that must exist on the user's Windows XP OS. XP Repair Pro Standard Edition Full Keygen Works to Fix Error on Windows Xp. In addition to Tune Up Utilities which serves to overcome Leletnya your PC. The software also has the same function, but more suitable in use for Windows Xp.
XP Repair Pro will help you scan and repair over 60,000 common Windows Errors. The unique technology repairs Windows errors and is guaranteed to fix problems on your system.

Using hi-tech and effective functions your system performance will be improved in a dramatic way. Windows and your software will run faster and your system will be more stable. An advanced Registry Cleaner finds and repairs system errors and incorrect information in the windows registry.

An optimizer Removes obsolete and duplicate entries and other Windows That programs leave behind. It will fix random PC crashes, error messages and will improvsystem performance by up to 750 percent. After the system scan is completed you can view a complete list of errors were detected and choose That to remove the which ones you would like or just let the Intelligence System determine the which should be removed.

The Intelligence System not only detects errors, but also analyzes each error against the software installed on your computer to determine how That error may affect other software.

Nowadays Windows can be found on almost every personal computer or laptop. In time, installing different applications on your computer Windows may cause multiple errors and interfere with the well-running of the operating system.

These flaws are not visible Windows but can They Make your PC run slower or determine an application to be unresponsive. So, to fix these problems you can choose the system to use XP Repair Pro, the which can clean and defragment your registry

By using this application you will be Able to scan the registry areas and it is versatile enough to let you choose the which one you want to be verified for invalid entries. So, you will find it easy to look for errors in the following categories: ActiveX, DLL and COM Objects, Add / Remove Programs Entries, Shared Files and Assemblies, Recently Used Shortcuts List, File Type and References, Startup Applications and System Extensions.

Also, this software allows you to search for unused shortcuts, cached web pages, duplicate entries and temporary files are no longer needed That.

After you are done scanning you will be Able to view the system errors for each category. Now, you can easily select the flaws That you want to remove or you can allow theapplication to choose the errors That can be deleted.

Using the Registry Defragmentation feature, you can improv access to the registry areas, Thus Spake Increasing system performance.

There are many programs That start every time Windows starts and this may cause a performance Decrease. To remove this problem, you can use the Startup Program Manager. It allows you to select the programs you do not need in Windows startup.

I believe That you will find this application to be very useful if you're still running, Because It also contains an advanced registry editor That enables you to change a registry entry but also to add bookmarks.

Key Feature:

· With a database of over 60.000 errors, XP Repair Pro is Able to thoroughly scan your entire system for a wide variety of errors That We have compiled into our database. This database contains different errors (and fixes) for all types of common problems That plague Windows systems. The scanner also uses algorithmic technologies to scan for useless entries in your registry That build up over time. This buildup Occurs with normal usage and by adding programs and services into your computer.

· Windows uses the registry to (Quickly) That the data store and retrieve it uses. This can get the data spread out over your hard drive Causing longer "Access Time" to Certain areas. The Registry Defragmenter takes these fragments and combines them into an organized linear structure back onto your hard drive; the which will Decrease the size of your registry and improv overallsystem performance.

· The Startup Program Manager is a very useful tool That allows you to easily block or allow programs from starting up when Windows starts. It includes many unique features, Such as dragging and dropping the startup programs and more.

· The Disk Cleanup Wizard scans through your hard disks and removable disks looking for That files are not needed, that are taking up valuable disk space. After the scan is completed, you will see a list of all of the files Discovered and Decide if you would like to keep any.

· Powerful monitoring and crash prevention system creates stability. There is not much That is more frustrating than a computer keeps locking up That, or shutting down entirely, right in the middle of something you are Trying to do. Most software based crashes are Caused by one program asking the computer to do something it is not capable of doing. Our crash monitoring service can Prevent Typically these commands from being run, Preventing the illegal process to be run, and keeping the system stable.

· The Recovery Center creates a failsafe backup of all of the changes made to your system by the Registry and System repair tool, and allows you to revert any changes made back to Their original condition if you Decide you want to undo something.

· XP Repair Pro is constantly evolving. New errors and scan capabilities are added to the database every day, and program updates are released every other week Typically. Built and developed by top developers WHO have worked for years to bring this technology to consumers. Our upcoming 2008 release has eight new features Including more privacy cleaning tools, a file shredder and more. More information is soon to be released.

· Automatic Updates That Ensure you have the most recent updates to both software, and an up to date database error.

· Whether you are new to computers, or a veteran, XP Repair Pro is designed to allow all types of users to Interact, diagnosis and repair Their Own system problems, and increase of system performance with no hardware upgrades needed.


· NET Framework 2.0
· Processor: 133MHz Pentium or AMD Equivalent
· Memory (RAM): 32 MB
· Video / Display: 8MB w / 256 colors at 800x600
· Hard Disk: 35 Megabytes

What's New in This Release:

· Windows Vista Ready, (x64 Architecture)
Password :
Download XP Repair Pro Standard Edition Keygen Only 

RocketDock 1.3.5 Full + Addons

RocketDock 1.3.5 Full + Addons | Rocket dock is a software to beautify the look of your windows desktop.
RocketDock has several advantages that can always be raised, or even in the Auto-hide so that when he is touched by the new mouse will move.

RocketDock is a simple but very useful application for those who want to make the desktop look more beautiful. Rocket dock is the function to put a shortcut on the Shortcut tampilang the cooler have been provided by RocketDock itself on setting the menu provided.

RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha-blended application launcher That is similar to ObjectDock. RocketDock renders very fast like MobyDock, has Y'z Dock's visual sharpness and the stability That Neither seem to possess.

RocketDock is compatible with every dock skin format we are aware of.

Mac OS X Remains an eye-candy operating system, even if we all agree That Windows 7 is much more appealing as compared to the previousWindows iterations.

That's why many users are still using a Mac OS X-inspired dock on TheirWindows workstations, and RocketDock is one of the most popular picks.

The application has been specifically developed to add a launcher dock to your desktop, either being Able to work together with the WindowsTaskbar or replace it completely. It's all up to the user, but after our test, we'd rather say That it's not yet possible to replace the Taskbar altogether.

RocketDock position is fully configurable from the settings menu, so you can place it virtually anywhere on your screen. Plus, there are dedicated tools to set it always on top or always on bottom, as well as separate options to make it work on multiple monitors.

But what's more Important is the behavior per se. RocketDock works just like a genuine Mac OS X dock, with multiple zooming effects once the user moves the mouse cursor over an icon, called Bubble, Plateau and Flat.

Of course, the zoom effect can be fully changed by the user, as the app comes with options regarding the zoom width and duration.
The way it looks is again one of the Things the user can change from the get-go Because RocketDock supports themes and beside the ones That are already included in the package, you can also download more from the Internet.

It does not slow down the computer too much, but in case the app Hampers performance on older machines, there's a dedicated option to Reduced icon Thus Spake improv quality and speed as much as possible.

There's no doubt RocketDock is one of the best apps of its kind and since it comes with so many goodies, it would be a shame to not give it at least a chance.

Key Feature:

· Runs great on slower computers
· Compatible with Y'z Dock, Mobydock, and ObjectDock skins
· Unicode compliant
· Simple drag-n-drop interface
· True multi-monitor support
· Supports alpha-blended PNG icons
· Fully customizable


· 500Mhz or faster CPU
· 10MB RAM free

What's New in This Release:

· Fixed an INI bug breaking Skin / Theme compatibility.

60 Over Theme Collection For Windows 7

60 Over Theme Collection For Windows 7 | Maybe some of you already have this, what if I tp share for those who do not have. In accordance with the post title, this time I will share Thema collection for Windows 7, if you ask me this is not a common theme, this is a cool set of themes that you should try to beautify the look of windows 7 you, and here there is not just one or two themes but there is more of the 60 themes in one package, you just need to make the installation 1xinstall the whole theme of windows 7. For those who want to directly check this out.

Windows 7 ships by default with its own collection of themes and wallpapers, but there are additional downloads available from the WindowsPersonalization Gallery.

Depending on Their country of residence, some customers receivedWindows 7 themes tailored specifically to Their market.

According to the Redmond company, there are approximately 60 international theme packs for Windows 7, some of the which included with the operating system, and accessible as soon as Becoming the users is done installing the OS in a Certain language.

Jennifer Shepherd, site manager for the Windows Personalization Gallery That explains she used Microsoft's worldwide resources to put together the themes.

"When I was working on Windows 7 themes for specific places, Such as India, Brazil, Italy, and Korea, I relied on co-workers in each country to advise me on the which photographs would be best for Their local areas," she said .

"In other words, Microsoft employees in India voted on all the photos for the Indian themes; employees in Brazil voted on all the images for Brazil, and so on.

"Most of the photographs in the final themes were taken by professionals, but I also organized a worldwide employee photo contest to showcase what employees Considered most unique and beautiful about Their home countries."

There were themes produced for 20 different locales of Windows 7. Obviously, the content was tailored to the localized version of the operating system.

Microsoft built 20 of the 40 international themes right into copies ofWindows 7.

"A theme is selected depending on the which installed language version ofWindows 7 you buy, and where you live. So, if you buy the French version of Windows 7 and you select "France" as your location, you'll see a French theme in your Personalization control panel, "Shepherd Revealed.

Only Windows 7 copies sold in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States come default with geographically-relevant themes featuring wallpapers.

Another 20 theme packs were uploaded to the Windows Personalization Gallery and made available for download free of charge.

Our goal in preinstalling themes for selected locations was to the makeWindows 7 feel like it was made for you from the moment you begin to use it-no matter where you live in the world. We wanted to the make sure there was a wide variety of themes available on the gallery, too-and we've been adding to it ever since, "Shepherd explained.

At the same time, there have been additional themes created with content from Various markets worldwide the which ended up on the WindowsPersonalization Gallery.

These themes were put together by local artists or photographers and are Scattered across the gallery.
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Download 60 Over Theme Collection For Windows 7

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