Fuck yeah Bench Seats

Cara Mudah Pasang YM Di Blog

YM atau Yahoo Messenger kadang cukup penting di pasang di blog karena hal itu bisa menunjukkan pada pengunjung bahwa kita sedang online atau tidak. Cara pasang YM di blog sebenarnya cukup mudah, kita tinggal copy kode script YM kemudian pastekan di blog.

Berikut ini kode script YM yang bisa Anda copy:

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?Id_yahoo_kamu"> <img src="http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=Id_yahoo_kamu&amp;m=g&amp;t=0&amp;l=us"/></a>

Untuk "t" adalah tipe gambar status YM dan Anda bisa memilih sesuai pilihan di bawah ini:
Untuk icon 0-5

Untuk icon 9-16

Demikianlah cara mudah pasang YM di blog, semoga bermanfaat buat Anda.

Happy Young Girl Laura Naked Flying

Halloo...ini posting masih tentang Hot Girls Model.. bagaimana siapa yang mau ikut main layang-layang... 
Tapi ingat jangan macam-macam ya.... kalau mau pegang jangan berebut... Ok...!!!
Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (1)
I really like fly a kite when I was little, and now do not have the time to do it. But it is no matter, because Happy Yong Girl Laura coming with you, and full naked now! Visit full…
Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (2)Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (3)Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (4)Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (5)Happy Young Girl Laura Kite Naked Flying (6)

Need For Speed ​​Most Wanted 2012

Need For Speed ​​Most Wanted 2012 (Criterion) Limited Edition is a new version of NFS releases this year and is very much different from the previous game series that has the same name as theNeed For Speed ​​Most Wanted (2005). in this game more thrilling and exciting game so adrenaline is peppered with high-class action. Designed for a brand new, additional connected generation of sport fans, want for Speed ideal offers players Associate in Nursing expansive open world jam-choked with exhilarating action wherever they'll opt for their own path to become the foremost needed. Players can have the liberty to drive anyplace, discover hidden gameplay, takedown rivals, challenge friends or simply hang around and entertain the cops. Everything they are doing counts towards the top goal of changing into